
Integrity and Due Diligence Testing

In many production situations when raw materials have been specified the analysis and quality control of these raw materials is left in the capable hands of the supplier with the brewer only receiving an analysis certificate for each batch of product delivered. This helps the brewer in that quality control at receipt can be minimised. In using the purchased raw materials the brewer then has the responsibility of product integrity or due diligence of the finished product. Food laws are different in each country but fit for human consumption applies the world over and each country will have specialist regulations for the quality of food and drink offered for sale. The brewer therefore must ensure the integrity of the products offered for sale to ensure they are fit for consumption and meet all the regulations in the country of sale. The brewer usually does this by having an efficient in- house quality control process which checks the routine quality of every batch of product produced. Legislation however often specifies quality checks that the brewer cannot do and hence the need for specialist analysis. In addition to ensure the complete integrity of the product the brewer should consider a regular programme of due diligence to assess the quality of raw materials and product using a third party independent analyst.

Techno Lynk can review the due diligence and integrity cover with the client and suggest suitable testing programme. This can cover a full pesticide, metals, mycotoxin and dioxin screens or can be even more comprehensive covering an extensive list of analyses some of which are listed below.

  • Pesticides
  • Mycotoxins
  • Polyaromatic hydrocarbons
  • Metals
  • Trihalomethanes
  • Biogenic amines
  • Dioxins and Furans
  • NDMA and ATNC
  • Haloforms
  • 3-MCPD
  • Acrylamide
  • Etc

Techno Lynk works with many international accredited laboratories to provide a very comprehensive due diligence cover and can source all the analyses listed above.