
New Product Development

The NPD process starts by working with the client or their marketing team to understand their needs and to develop a brief which articulates the character and uniqueness of the new brand. This will often involve a number of taste test sessions where products already on the market are evaluated in order to get the clear image of the product required and to develop the in house signature which sets the new product apart from, or aligned with, the competition as is so desired. Following a clear definition of the required product raw materials are selected and trial brews are conducted.

Brewing / RTD preparation can be conducted with a host of specialist companies and Techno Lynk selects the company most appropriate for the product in question. New product variants so created are evaluated by the client and a focussed selection made. At this stage it may be necessary to go round the brewing loop again depending on the clients views. When a final selection is made this is usually tested in a wider consumer market to ensure it fits with demand. Assuming success at this stage the product is brewed a number of times to check variability and is packaged for shelf life trials where again the product is assessed regularly during its shelf life both by the client and the consumer.

Analysis of the product is conducted at all stages in order to ensure it meets the client’s demands and in order to ensure there is a clear track record of the products characteristics. Assuming the product passes the shelf life stage its raw materials are specified in detail and they are tendered for through the supply chain. Assuming production plant, able to create the product, is available and the raw materials sourced and their integrity documented and verified the new brand is ready to go.